Sunday, 21 February 2010


The mood given to us for our film is 'raw'. The Oxford dictionary describes this as:

   • Adjective 1 (of food) uncooked. 2 (of a material or substance) in its natural state; not processed. 3 (of data) not organized, analysed, or evaluated. 4 new and lacking in experience in an activity or job. 5 (of the skin) red and painful, especially as the result of abrasion. 6 (of the nerves) very sensitive. 7 (of an emotion or quality) strong and undisguised. 8 (of the weather) bleak, cold, and damp. 9 (of the edge of a piece of cloth) not having a hem or selvedge.

From this i have taken 'natural state', 'not organised', 'painful; abrasion', 'strong and undisguised', 'bleak, cold'. I want to interpret raw in my film as uncomfortable, androgynous, primal. It should have a slightly deranged, havocking visual where the actor is stripped down in the rawest sense, its basic self...unborn/reborn. We don’t want the film to be pretty or necessarily nice to watch, we want it to disturb evoke and even disgust. 
As a result it is going to have to be stylistic and sleek using a monochrome scheme and clean cuts. The focus will be on clever editing and fantastic angles. We plan to shoot in a studio using a dancer, as they will be able to move in a way that compliments our preferred, if haunting, style.
Other words we looked at that describe raw:
Degenerate, demented, rough, gritty, havocing, stripped down, natural, unnatural, disturbing, adrogynous, haunting, primal, unpleasant, unborn, re-born, now, strong, distasteful, not normal, ugle, exposed, removed, wounded, crude, unrefined, unidentified, brutal, grotest, harsh, chill, not processed, irritated, naked.

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