Monday 15 March 2010

Mr Tempest being a babe and helping those less fortunate

This is William Tempest's offerings for Sports Relief, as worn by Kate Moss. The designer created this dress out of recycled mosquito nets to highlight the importance of the shields that cost just £5. Tempest commented: "I hope the campaign will help to raise awareness about Malaria and how it can be prevented just by using such a simple net. The nets themselves were easy to work with as a fabric, I wanted to layer them into panels to create a geometric effect which is in keeping with my style. Kate looks beautiful in the dress and I hope its auction will help to raise lots of money for such an important issue."
Mossy added: "The dress incorpororates recycled malaria nets and is absolutely gorgeous, I loved wearing it and it's a great way to raise awareness."
Fab. I think its a wonderful contribution that looks brilliant. Moss' helping hand was a nice touch also.

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