Sunday 14 March 2010

On to the next one....

 Emma and myself were watching TV the other day and saw this video for Jay Z's new song 'On to the Next One', which is a stylistic, sleek music promo combining clever editing and symbolic images, resulting in a visually stunning monochrome vid. Below are some stills that we really liked and think are quite do-able for our own spot;
This frame featured a series of black cables stretching across the screen, which were being waved to create a soundwave-style effect.

This was a moving shot of liquid vibrating on a speaker creating a violent ripple and splashing effect.

I really love this frame. It is a shot that orrigionally showed just the upper half of a face, but as the promo progressed, it centred on her lips. Towards the end of the video, the lips appear to bleed voluntarilly, dripping down her chin.

This is a really simple yet clever effect. The frame is a mirrored image of floating smoke, shot in negative, producing this ghostly almost x-rayed visual.

This frame has been syncronized with the song; so as the music features a heavy bass thud, we cut to this image and the man opens his eyes. Simple yet effective.

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