Saturday 27 March 2010

Thursday 25th March

Today we carried on with our edit. I managed to import the clips that had the flashing lights effects in them and cut them down to the best parts. I showed Emma the clips that I had cut and we discussed where they should go. We combined different clips to prolong the flashing and make it overall more effective. We then placed each section between the location/scene changes to break it all up and define the progression of the film. Here are the points where we have placed the flashing lights clips:

1. At the end of the first white scene, as we zoom into the television fuzzing, the clips rapidly flash across the screen. We then link back to the fuzzing to give the impression that the interference is caused by this dark and disturbing image. Cut to new scene (alleyway)

2. As the alleyway scene ends and the all-black outfit scene opens, the flashing lights are played again and break up the two locations.

3. When the all-black outfit scene finishes and we pan into the model's hand, the flashing lights are played again to signal the next scene change and we cut to the white room/opening scene location again.

Tomorrow: sound/music
                   final cutting
                   adjust colouration/give professional finish
                   press release ideas

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