Wednesday 10 March 2010

The Shining


 I’ve mentioned The Shining before in a previous post so wont go into much detail about it's murderous, psychological-mind-creeper plot. Brilliant film though. This scene really appeals to me through its editing and general atmosphere. The scene uses actual twins, but ultimately borrows from a mirroring technique that we plan to use in our spot. The idea of duplication, especially of the human person, is a creepy thing that many aren’t comfortable with. It is raw and unnatural and doesn’t settle right in our minds. I also like the cutting from alive twins to bloody, murdered twins. It sends shivers down my spine and does it's job brilliantly at scaring the pants off the audience. The truly horrific, disturbing image confronts you forcefully and is unnerving and simply horrible. A simple but amazingly effective scene.

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